You should have seen how to initialise the Player API on the get started page.

If you recall we created a player like this:


  let player = new Vidbeo.Player("your_element_id", {

    id: "your_video_id",



You can customise the player using the second parameter. It supports the following options:

aspectratioString”16:9”The aspect ratio the player should show the content at: “16:9”, “21:9”, “4:3”. This applies only if you also set responsive as true.
autoplayBooleanfalseShould the video start playing on-load?
colourStringA custom colour as a six-character hex such as “00b894”
controlsBooleantrueShould controls be shown?
buttonsStringIf empty, the default buttons will be shown. That’s what we recommend. You can override that by specifying a comma-separated string of button names. For example “main_play,play,progress,fullscreen”
dntBooleanfalseA ‘Do Not Track’ option. If set as true, analytics events normally sent by the player will not be sent
heightNumberN/AIf you would like to embed a video at a fixed size, provide its height, such as 360
idStringYou must provide the unique ID of a video to embed: it will look something like uk1vabcde23445abcde
jwtStringA video can be set to require authentication, and you can provide that using a JSON Web Token (JWT). If used, you can provide that token in this field
keyboardBooleantrueEnable keyboard controls?
loopBooleanfalseShould the video restart when it ends?
mutedBooleanfalseShould the video be muted when it loads? You will likely need to set this as true if you set autoplay as true, as browsers usually block videos from auto-playing that are not muted
playsinlineBooleantrueOn mobile device, should the video play within the page (rather than automatically move into fullscreen mode)
preloadBooleantrueOn desktop (where this can be controlled) should the player buffer a short amount of the video on-load? This improves performance as the video can then start playing immediately but if the viewer does not play the video, it may waste a little data
qualityString’auto’We use a technique called ABR so that our player will automatically try to play the best quality based on the available connection speed. Which can vary. However on desktop (where this can be controlled) you may want to override that and force it to pick the highest available quality on-load. If so, set this as “highest”
responsiveBooleantrueMost modern sites adapt to the width of the screen to look great on both desktop and mobile. You therefore don’t need to set a width or height value. If you would like to control the responsive behaviour yourself in your own CSS you must set this as false. That tells our player you will be handling its size and so it should not add its own CSS
tNumber0A time in seconds to skip forward to on-load
titleBooleanfalseShould the video’s title be shown within the player?
trackStringIf your video has subtitles or closed-captions, you may want them turned on immediately on-load. If so, set the language code of the one to use (as you may have multiple ones). For example to enable English captions on-load, set this as “en”
widthNumberN/AIf you would like to embed a video at a fixed size, provide its width, such as 640

You can control the player using the methods the Player API exposes.